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Converting unix timestamp to something readableSometimes a program/tool prints its time information in unix timestamps. Unix timestamps are the seconds after 01/01/1970. This is usually unreadable by humans. To convert this timestamp into something readable, copy the following small script into a searchable path and make it executable. #!/bin/gawk -f
{ print strftime("%c", $0); } Call the tool with the following command: echo "your timestamp(s)" | scriptname You'll get an response according to your local timezone.
$ date +%s
$ echo "1098181096" | convertunixtime
Tue Oct 19 12:18:16 2004
With this script you can convert multiple timestamps as well (each on one line) $ echo -e "1098181096\n 1098191096" | convertunixtime
Tue Oct 19 12:18:16 2004
Tue Oct 19 15:04:56 2004 If you only want to convert one timestamp, you can also use date: % date -d @1098181096 rate this article:current rating: average rating: 1.6 (118 votes) (1=very good 6=terrible) Your rating: back